Google Docs templates for free for commercial and non-commercial use.
Browse Google Docs Templates
Fully Integrated With Google Drive
Google Docs Templates by cloudHQ is fully integrated with your Google Drive. You don’t have to download anything to your hard drive because everything works directly within Google Drive.
- Simply go to your Google Drive
- In the top left hand corner, click on +New →Google Docs→From cloudHQ template
- Scroll for the template you want, make a copy and customize it!

Business Proposal Templates
Business plans are always a tough one to build from scratch. But there’s absolutely no need to build it from scratch. Simply go to our business plan section, make a copy, customize it, and send it to your VCs or bank, customers and partners to get your new business rolling.
Invoice Templates
You’ll be delighted to learn that we have an extensive selection of business invoice templates for you to copy and customize. No need to start anything from scratch, and be done with it in a matter of minutes.

Resume Templates
It’s hard to find the job you love, all-the-while having to sum up your entire life on one or two sheets of paper. Let us take the guesswork out of it for you, and provide you with a comprehensive selection or free resume templates you can use to help market yourself best.
Cover Letter Templates
Congratulations! You’re probably done with your resume, but now you need to stand out in a cover letter. Ugh- it just gets harder and harder doesn’t it? Well, with these awesome cover letter templates, you never need to worry about it, and follow the structure we’ve already created for you; knowing exactly what recruiters are looking for.

Lesson Plan Templates
Lesson plans are as difficult as writing a book. You need to take care of each subject title, allocate a date and time frame to it, and then go into deep detail along with notes to help students learn the lesson you’re trying to teach. This is especially important with remote learning. Let cloudHQ take the guesswork out of your lesson plan, and just follow our proven lesson plan structure; offered to you in our free library of Google Docs templates.
Having a newsletter for your organization is critical in order to ensure that your community knows what news and events you're planning. It helps for new sales, or product / service spotlights and it keeps your community engaged and invested in your organization's success. These newsletters can be internal or external, but they are necessary, and we have templates for just the right scenarios you want. Simply search for newsletters in our free Google Docs template library for the one that suits your needs best.

Near Universal 5-Star Ratings
Google Docs Templates by cloudHQ has almost universal 5-Star ratings from users who’ve downloaded it in Chrome.
Installs in Seconds
Install Google Docs Templates by cloudHQ from the Chrome Web Store. Once installed, the app will seamlessly integrate into your Google Drive account.

Who Uses Google Docs Templates?
Small business owners
Having a Google Docs template to get you started in the right direction of your: brochures, invoices, business plans, and so more, is the easiest way to get the job done, and get it done efficiently.

Teachers love our lesson plans to help them with their class planning. Lesson plans help stay on task and keep notes organized for students to follow, or to catch up on. A lesson plan also helps teachers and the school’s principal understand the scope of what you’re accomplishing in your classroom. A must have organizational tool for any busy teacher wanting to keep organized all throughout the school year.
Job Seekers
Google Docs templates for resumes and cover letters are amply provided for you so that you can summarize your experience in a way that makes you stand out to recruiters and recruiting bots alike. Now, you can take your candidacy to the next stage and close on your dream job.

Are you needing to write a project proposal for school? Fret not, we have exactly what you need in this free library of Google Docs Templates. Simply scroll for the template you want to use, make a copy, and customize it to you, and your professors’ hearts desire.
Anyone starting a document
The bare-all truth is that we all need to create documents at some point in our careers; and more often than not, it’s something we need to do on the regular. Creating them from scratch always causes delay and anxiety and the delay, when all we actually need is a structure. Once we have that in place, writing the rest of the document often flies off the pen and straight into the pages. That is to say, if you’re always looking to save time with Google Drive / Gmail tips and tricks, using cloudHQ apps is the solution to helping become far more productive than ever before, while doing much less work.